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The Perfect Zulay Bento Box for Kristi Marie's Son - Zulay Kitchen
April 07, 2020

The Perfect Zulay Bento Box for Kristi Marie's Son

We have all been craving for some outdoor-time lately but it's better to be at home safe from everything that is happening. Nevertheless, this situation does not stop Kristi Marie from flaunting her favorite, or at least her little boy's favorite bento box. Awhile back, she posted a photo of going out to the park and eating with her little baby boy. She discovered that Zulay Kitchen's Bento Box is both a life and a time saver. Instead of packing each snack piece by piece, all she needs to do now is put in all portions inside the lunchbox as it is a perfect size for a snack. She was also in awe with the free spork that came with it, making it even more perfect for her son! The Zulay Kitchen Bento Box is not only a time-saver, but a literal snack saver as well.
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#gifted The latest mom hack is live on the blog! This bento box from @zulay_kitchen has been a lifesaver when it comes to packing healthy snacks and lunches on the go! It’s the perfect size for toddler sized portions. Plus it comes with a little spork! It’s dishwasher safe and your child can decorate the cover of the box with stickers or markers. Brayden is OBSESSED with his (if you couldn’t tell from the smile on his face)! Link to snag your own bento box is in my bio and be sure to visit the blog for some lunch ideas for your bento box! . . . . #thislittlebeckerfamily #momhacks #bentoboxideas #toddlermeals #mamalife #mamahood #momblogger #momswhoblog #thesearethedays #simpleliving #getoutsideandplay #mommyblogger #ohheymama #mommylife #motherhoodthroughinstagram #motherhoodunplugged #zulaykitchen #mommyhood #momsofinstagram #toddlermom #toddlerhood #littleandbrave #busymom #dailyparenting #our_everyday_moments

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